Writing 365 – Missing Half

I have been absent, but I’m back! My next prompt: “Write a mystery.” Missing Half Half of Red lay there, cold and inanimate. Detective Ankle knew that Red would never move again unless his other half was found. It had to be found, stat, or it still wouldn’t matter. They’d be too mismatched to beContinue reading “Writing 365 – Missing Half”

Writing 365 – Leftovers

I am going to try to make most of these stories into drabbles, which means they will be around 100 words. I don’t know if that’ll make them easier or harder, but I guess we’ll see! Today’s prompt comes from my friend Arlette H. She gave me the word “Saucy” to go with. I knowContinue reading “Writing 365 – Leftovers”

Writing 365 -Purge Night Pizza Delivery

I found this fun writing prompt on a Reddit page: “On Purge Night part time employees get paid 50 times the hourly rate. You are a pizza delivery guy looking to make big bucks.” PS: I haven’t actually seen The Purge, but I’ve seen previews and I think I get the gist. Purge Night PizzaContinue reading “Writing 365 -Purge Night Pizza Delivery”

Writing 365 – Election

I, like everyone else in America, got pretty into the election all throughout 2016. Recent info on fake news sites, foreign influencers, and more has gotten me thinking about how this year’s election was different from the 2012 and 2008 elections. I have only voted in four elections, so I don’t have as much experienceContinue reading “Writing 365 – Election”

Writing 365 – Snow

We don’t get a lot of snow here in Portland, Oregon, so the fact that it’s snowing right now is a huge deal. Today, I’m going to write a little vignette about taking my dog out in the snow. Snow Quiet feet pad across the crystalline white. My dog’s furry body is just right forContinue reading “Writing 365 – Snow”

Writing 365 – Day 7

I didn’t end up writing yesterday, which was a bummer, but I’m back on track today. Today’s story was suggested by my Facebook friend, Eva G. Here’s the prompt: “THE ROADS ARE ICY!” he screamed from his rocking chair at the hospital window. Outside it was a balmy 89 degrees. Since I woke up todayContinue reading “Writing 365 – Day 7”

Writing 365 -Flash Fiction

Hemmingway once wrote the “shortest novel ever.” It goes “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” This is the most extreme piece of flash fiction I’ve ever seen, but I love the brevity of this type of story, so I wanted to challenge myself today and write an ultra short story – in 100 words. TheContinue reading “Writing 365 -Flash Fiction”

Writing 365 – Writing Prompt “Serenity”

I was taking a walk in my backyard yesterday and that inspired me to write this short vignette of serenity. Thanks to my Facebook friend Farrel L. for this prompt. Creekside Steam plumes into the frosty air as I blow across my coffee. The morning is crisp, finally feeling like fall, even though it’s nowContinue reading “Writing 365 – Writing Prompt “Serenity””

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