
I know that’s not a word. But, I have to share an accomplishment and a new dread.  First, the accomplishment: The never ending novel is edited! I decided to take some time and just work my little buttocks off and finish it up and I did! It actually wasn’t quite as much work as I wasContinue reading “Synopsisizing”

Return to Writing

Happy New Year and all that jazz! Last year was pretty great, this year will hopefully be even better. I’m back to working on my novel. I thought I was done editing it, I really did. I read the whole thing aloud and changed words around, added sentences, deleted and rewrote paragraphs. But the endingContinue reading “Return to Writing”

A Pilgrims Progress

Admittedly I am not a Pilgrim. I don’t think my family has been in America long enough to have been Pilgrims. Certainly not on my dad’s side, anyway. Even so, I was thinking about Jane Austin and Little Women, because I have to collect quotes for a client, and I thought of Pilgrim’s Progress, whichContinue reading “A Pilgrims Progress”

Word Count Update

So, in my effort to add words to my manuscript, I managed to edit out words.  Good going on my part, right?  But, I did actually write more words in the end, so that’s got to count for something.  I started out at 34,743 words and ended at 37,021 words.  That means I added 2,278Continue reading “Word Count Update”

It Has Come to This

I thought that title was pretty dramatic, and today has been a pretty low drama day – besides bathing my dog who has been itching himself like a crack addict with his medicated shampoo, and then being stopped in the street as I walked him by a lady looking for her lost dog.  Also findingContinue reading “It Has Come to This”

Back on the Horse

So the last couple of days have been pretty busy, but not for my fiction.  Oh well.  Today I wrote!  That’s an accomplishment!   I had to turn off the word count sign on my word doc to be able to concentrate.  For some reason today I’m having a hard time getting stuff done.  IContinue reading “Back on the Horse”

Picking Away at the Novel, Little by Little – Plus Mice

Last time I posted was October 2nd.  My word count was at 25,056.  It’s been five days and I’ve hardly had time to work on the novel, except to edit and add just a few words here and there.  So, right now I’m at 25,858.  That means that last week I wrote 3,379 words total.  That’sContinue reading “Picking Away at the Novel, Little by Little – Plus Mice”

Barely Conscious

I can’t believe I spelled “conscious” right.  I always have an impulse to spell it “couscous.”  Anyway, good morning.  I’m exhausted.  I was working at my real job till 2:30 am, so now it’s back to the ol’ grindstone. I think one of the things which make it easy for me to justify not writingContinue reading “Barely Conscious”

Counting Down

This morning I woke up early to get writing.  My “early” isn’t actually early to a lot of people, but it was cold, rainy and dark, so that’s early to me.  My husband lay sleeping, my dog lay itching (he has an allergy that’s driving everyone crazy – we’ve been to the vet and I’mContinue reading “Counting Down”

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The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium. ~Norbet Platt

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